Thursday, November 24, 2011

EDLD 5363: Week 1 Web Conference

I attended a web conference with Dr. Abernathy during week one of Multimedia and Video Technology. The first thing I noticed was the ease as to which everyone connected to the conference. Unlike the first conference I attended with my section, we were all able to raise our hands and use our microphones properly.

Dr. Abernathy offered insight into what she expected from us in this course. She told us that our assignments would include creating a digital story, podcast and public service announcement. She also, emphasized the need for one partner during week 1 and 2 assignments and the need for a group in creating the public service announcement.

This course will require that we read the overviews and syllabus carefully. It will also require us to spend time learning how to use multimedia products. It was nice to see the faces of my classmates and hear that many of us had the same questions. Dr. Abernathy answered our questions and assured us that we could call or e-mail her if we had any concerns.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

EDLD 5363 Learning how to Create a Digital Story

As I reflect on this week’s assignment, I must say that I have enjoyed learning how to create a digital story. I chose to tell the life story of my grandmother. She lived to be 100 years old and had many words of wisdom to share with the family. I intend to share my digital story with the family during this year’s Christmas gathering. I know that they will be touched by the pictures and storyline.

I can see the value in this assignment and I plan to share the finished results with the teachers in my district. Microsoft Photo Story 3 is easy to use and can be taught to the teachers in a short time frame. The teachers enjoy learning how to use technology tools that can be implemented into their existing lesson plan that are not too complicated. This has been a fun week!